
Joined on: 3 January 2024

Prosec Consultancy Ltd

We're a security, medical and training provider based in Westbury, Wiltshire. We provide support to large scale festivals and events within the UK.

We also train many people from different backgrounds and walks or life, offering support in seeking a long-term career in their chosen field.


We provide regulatory and tailor-made security, medical and training solutions to private companies, charities, government entities and individuals seeking personal development. With our security experts in security management, surveillance, private investigations, conflict management and self-defence, we can deliver a service that meets your local challenge.

We've just moved in the modern day of mental health challenges and looked to assist and inspire people starting with our own staff. All operational and non-operational staff are trained to level 2 in Mental Health First Aid.

Suicide affects so many people and leaves lives in tatters forever, I believe, we can all play a vital part in the prevention of lives being taken at the hands of suicide.

We'd all love to join the Alliance to bring that death rate down eliminating one the most aggressive illnesses that's been around forever.