Joined on: 30 May 2024
Community and Family Aid Foundation Ghana
Community and Family Aid Foundation Ghana is a regional non-government organisation providing supplemental services through coalition building.
It is working for the wellbeing of the vulnerable in communities, overcoming poverty and creating a world where everyone becomes happy and useful. Targets for support include street children, aged, women, youth and the disabled among others.
Community and Family Aid Foundation in Ghana aims to help empower women, communities, young people to manage issues concerning their development. We advocate for and work towards adolescent and sexual reproductive health, rights and wellbeing. We advocate for and on behalf of young people, in the area of reproductive health, HIV/AIDS, environment, health, education, climate change, and other related issues that affect their total development.
We believe life must be lived to its fullest- thus, those at the cross road must be given a second chance via transformation education, awareness, social and physio physical therapy, policy and medical care.
We work actively and in partnership to deliver as one at all levels of care.
We create a world of possibilities for people in difficult situations where our actions and actions bears fruits of transformation.
Our work includes but not limited to:
- Service provisions
- Training and reforms
- Suicide education and advice therapy
- Leadership and national dialogues
- Network work and knowledge brokering
- Shelter and healing services for the once lost ones
- Suicide prevention
- Alarm and alert change services
We joined to
- Learn, share experiences and foster changes.
- Develop franchise and integration of the alliance best practices into our ongoing development agenda.
- Cooperation to develop common community activities for funding and implementation
CAFAF-Ghana pledge to live by our tenets and mission of being a beacon of hope to the distressed...be a solid rock of salvation to the vulnerable and shelter all that need our support to survive...
Together we say Zero Suicide is a must...matters 24/7.
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Last modified: 4 December 2024