
Joined on: 23 February 2024

Limelite Security

Limelite Security is a private security company based in Kent, Southeast England. It provides security services to many sectors including music, entertainment, and the licensed trade.

Limelite security provides the following services to many sectors including music, entertainment, and the licensed trade:

  • Security Idustry Authority (SIA) licenced officers
  • Safety stewards and customer service operatives
  • Accredited dog handlers
  • Specialist tesponse teams


Mental health is a big thing within our company, and if we can make a difference in our line of work, we would be happy.

We are committed to listening, whenever necessary.

We would like to inform all of our clients and service users that we are caring and compassionate in what we do, and should they ever feel in need of someone, they can always come to us.