
Joined on: 29 February 2024

Institute of Counselling Psychology Ghana

The organization is not for profit profit-independent educational Charity

The organization is not for profit profit-independent educational Charity with the following objectives:

 •       To offer guidance and counselling services.

•       To train professional counsellors and social/development workers.

•       To undertake health promotion programs.

•       To provide Research and Consultancy services.

Currently, the institute has a network named Zero Suicide Network Ghana which has recruited 205 suicide prevention volunteers that cur across the 16 political regions of Ghana. The aim is to continue building capacity for these volunteers to create awareness of suicide and help victims through various therapies. These volunteers include counsellors, health workers, professional teachers, mediators, professional media practitioners, ordained pastors, and psychologists among others.

We offer pro-bono training in stress management, depression and anxiety management, conflict management, and mediation to key institutions such as the social welfare department under some district assemblies, community leaders, and some volunteers to be able to help societies in the field of psychology.

We wish to join this noble organization to be able to learn from other professionals in other parts of the world, share our experiences as well, if possible, have exchange programs, and receive mentorship to become an effective organization and strong network in contributing to the reduction of suicide in Ghana, Africa and the world at large.