If you live in Scotland and are struggling with your mental health and need to talk to someone, there is always someone there who wants to listen. Use these free helplines and listening services for information, support and advice:

If you live outside of the UK please visit findahelpline.com for support lines in your area.

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NHS 24 Scotland

NHS 24 Scotland is a health advice and information service for people with mental or physical health concerns.

Open 24 hours, 7 days a week.

Call 08454 242 4 24 or NHS 111 for free.

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Breathing space

Breathing Space offers a confidential helpline for anyone living in Scotland that feels low in mood, anxious, or depressed.

Call 0800 83 85 87 for free or visit the website to use their online webchat.

Open Monday to Thursday, 6pm to 2am. Open Friday to Monday, 6pm to 6am.

Find out more on the Breathing Space website.

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Edinburgh Crisis Centre

Edinburgh Crisis Centre provides a 24 hour helpline for people aged 16 or over that live in Edinburgh.  

Call 0808 801 0414 for free, text 0797 442 9075 or email crisis@edinburghcrisiscentre.org.uk

Open 24 hours, 7 days a week

Find out more on the Edinburgh Crisis Centre website.

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Recovery Across Mental Health

Recovery Across Mental Health offers a helpline which provides support to anyone living in Renfrewshire who is experiencing a crisis in their mental health.

Call 0800 221 8929 for free.

Open Monday to Friday, 9am to 8pm. Open Saturday to Sunday, 9am to 5pm.

Find out more on the Recovery Across Mental Health website

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Scotland Association for Mental Health (SAMH) offer a support line for people needing information or a chat about mental health.

Call 0344 800 0550 for free or email info@samh.org.uk

Open Monday to Friday, 9am to 6pm.

Find out more on the SAMH website.

If you would rather speak to someone who is trained to understand your demographic group, use these helplines that have been developed with specific groups in mind: 


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LGBT+ Helpline Scotland

The LGBT+ Helpline Scotland offers a confidential helpline that provides support and information services to lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans communities in Scotland.

Call 0800 464 7000 for free or email helpline@lgbthealth.org.uk

Open Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday 12 pm to 9 pm. Sunday, 1 pm to 6 pm. 

BSL support on Thursdays, 6 pm to 9 pm.

Find out more on the LGBT Health website


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AMINA offers a free helpline for Muslim and black and minority ethnic women across Scotland.

Call 0808 801 0301 free.

Open Monday to Friday, 10am to 4pm.

Find out more on the AMINA website.

Older Adults

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Age Scotland

Age Scotland provide a confidential helpline for older people, their carers, and families living in Scotland.

Call 0800 12 44 222 for free.

Open Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm.

Find out more on the Age Scotland website.

If you would rather talk to someone who is trained to understand your specific concern, circumstance or issue, use these helplines for tailored support and advice:

Financial concerns

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Advice Direct 

Advice direct offers support with debt, employment, welfare, and consumer advice for people living in Scotland. 

Call 0808 800 9060 for free or email advice@advice.scot

Open Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm.

Find out more on the Advice Direct website.

Domestic abuse

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Scotland domestic abuse and forced marriage helpline (SDAFMH) offers a confidential helpline for people living in Scotland that experience domestic abuse or forced marriage. 

Call 0800 027 1234 for free or email helpline@sdafmh.org.uk for more support.

Open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Find out more on the SDAFMH website.

Drug use

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Know the Score

Know the score offers a confidential helpline for people in Scotland that need advice about drug use or are concerned about their drug use. 

Call 0800 587 5879 free or use the online webchat for more support.

Open Monday to Friday, 9am to 9pm and Saturday to Sunday, 10am to 4pm.

Find out more on the Know the Score website

Family support

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Scottish Families affected by Alcohol and Drugs (SFAD) offer a helpline for families in Scotland that are concerned about another family member's alcohol or drug use. 

Call 08080 10 10 11 or helpline@sfad.org.uk.

Open Monday to Friday, 9am to 11pm.

Find out more on the SFAD website

Sexual assualt

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Rape Crisis Scotland

Rape Crisis Scotland offers a confidental helpline for anyone of any gender or sexual orientation in Scotland over the age of 13 who has been affected by sexual violence or sexual assault.

Call 08088 01 03 02 or text 07537 410 027.

Open every day, 6pm till midnight.

Find out more on the Rape Crisis Scotland website