If you live in Northern Ireland and are struggling with your mental health and need to talk to someone, there is always someone there who wants to listen. Use these free helplines and listening services for information, support and advice:

If you live outside of the UK please visit findahelpline.com for support lines in your area.

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Samaritans offer a confidential helpline for those struggling with their mental health. 

Call 116 123 for free to talk to a trained volunteer.

Find out more from the Samaritans website.

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Lifeline offer a free confidential helpline for people living in Northern Ireland that are experiencing distress or are in a mental health crisis. Lifeline also offers advice for self-harm, substance misuse, suicide trauma, sexual violence and abuse.

Call 0808 808 8000 for free.

Open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Find out more on the Lifeline website.

If you would rather speak to someone who is trained to understand your demographic group, use these helplines that have been developed with specific groups in mind: 


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Mens Action Network

Mens Action Network offer a free confidential helpline for men in Northern Ireland that may be struggling with their mental health, wellbeing or are a victim to domestic violence.

Call 028 7122 6530 for free or email admin@man-ni.org for more information.

Open Monday to Friday, 9am to 4pm.

Find out more on the Mens Action Network website.



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Cara-friend have partnered up with Switchboard Northern Ireland to offer a free confidential support line to support lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people living in Northern Ireland.

Call 0808 8000 390 for free or email switchboard@cara-friend.org.uk for more support.

Open Mondays and Tuesdays, 4pm to 7pm.

Find out more on the Cara-friend website.



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Cause offer a confidential helpline for people in Northern Ireland that care for an individual or loved one who has experienced serious mental illness.

Call 0800 103 2833 for free or email support@cause.org.uk for more support.

Open Monday, Wednesday and Friday, 10am to 4pm. Open Tuesday to Thursday, midday to 8pm.

Find out more on the Cause website.

Older adults

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Age NI

Age NI offer a check in and chat telephone service for people over 60 in Northern Ireland who may feel isolated.

Call 0808 808 7575 to register or email info@ageni.org for more support.

Open Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm.

Find out more on the Age NI website.

Older adults

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Hourglass offer a confidential helpline for older adults that are affected by abuse in Northern Ireland.

Call 0808 808 8141 for free, text 07860052906 or email enquiries@wearehourglass.org for more support.

Open 24/7, 365 days a year.

Find out more on the Hourglass website.


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Parentline offers a confidential helpline which offers support and advice for parents, carers and family members living in Northern Ireland.

Call 0808 8020 400 for free or email parentline@ci-ni.org.uk

Open Monday to Friday, 9am to 9pm. Open Saturday, 9am to 1pm.

Find out more on the Parentline website.


If you would rather talk to someone who is trained to understand your specific concern, circumstance or issue, use these helplines for tailored support and advice:


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Rural Support

Rural Support offer a confidential listening and signposting helpline for farmers and family members across Northern Ireland to support their mental wellbeing.

Call 0800 138 1678 for free or email info@ruralsupport.org.uk

Open Monday to Friday, 9am to 9pm.

Find out more on the Rural support website.



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The Compassionate Friends

The Compassionate Friends offer a confidential helpline for bereaved parents and their families in Northern Ireland who have suffered a death of their child or children.

Call 028 8778 8016 free or email helpline@tcf.org.uk.

Open 7 days a week, 10am to 4pm and 7pm to 10pm.

Find out more on The Compassionate Friends website.


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Sands Northern Ireland offers a confidential helpline to support people in Northern Ireland that have experienced stillbirth and neonatal death.

Call the Sands helpline for free on 0808 164 3332, the Sands local befrienders service 07740993450 for free or email NorthernIreland@sands.org.uk

Open Monday to Friday, 9.30am to 5pm.

Find out more on the Sands website.

Eating disorders

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Eating Disorder Association Northern Ireland

Eating Disorder Association Northern Ireland offers a free support line for people in Northern Ireland affected by an eating disorder, providing support for the person themselves, their family and loved ones.

Call 028 9023 5959 for free or use the webpage to fill out an email form.

Open 24 hours, 7 days a week.

Find out more at the Eating Disorders Association website.


Domestic abuse

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Domestic and Sexual Abuse Helpline (DSA)

The Domestic and Sexual Abuse (DSA) helpline provide a confidential 24 hour helpline that provides support, help, signposting and referrals for victims, family, friends and professionals of those affected by domestic and sexual abuse.

Call 0808 802 1414 for free, email help@dsahelpline.org or use their live chat.

Open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Find out more on the DSA website