Hub of Hope
The Hub of Hope is the UK’s leading mental health support database. It brings local, national, peer, community, charity, private and NHS mental health support and services together in one place for the first time.
Find support that is right for you on the Hub of Hope website.
Mind: side by side
Side by Side is an online peer support community where you can: talk about your mental health and connect with others who understand what you're going through.
Side by Side is for people aged 18 and over, and it is open 24/7. You’ll always have someone to connect with day or night.
Find out more from the Hub of Hope webpage.
Digital tools
Every Mind Matters
Every Mind Matters is a digital tool to help you manage and maintain your mental health. It will help you spot the signs of common mental health conditions, get personalised practical self-care tips and information on further support.
Take the 'Your Mind Plan' quiz to get a free plan with tips on how to deal with depression, anxiety and stress.
Find out more on the Every Mind Matters website.
Sorted: Mental Health
Sorted: Mental Health is an NHS digital accredited app that offers positive mental training audio programmes for recovery, everyday relaxation & wellbeing.
The app aims to make people feel better, lift their mood and help recover from stress, anxiety and depression by building resilience and developing positive feelings.
Find out more on the google play store.
Stay Alive
The Stay Alive app is a pocket suicide prevention resource with useful information to help you or someone you are concerned about to stay safe.
The app includes a safety plan, customisable reasons for living, and a life box where you can store photos that are important to you.
Find out more on the Stay Alive app webpage.
Toolkit and guides
Mindwell offer a guide for depression which includes information on:
- Signs and causes of depression
- Challenging negative thinking
- Helpful coping strategies
- Support, apps and resources for depression
Find out more on the Mindwell website.
NHS Inform
NHS Inform offer a self-help guide for people with mild-to-moderate symptoms of depression. This guide aims to help you:
- Find out if you could have symptoms of depression
- Understand more about depression
- Find ways to manage or overcome depression
Find out more on the NHS Inform website.
NHS self-help guides
Read about guides, tools and activities that can improve your mental health, including:
- tools for understanding your mental health
- exercises to help you cope with your mental health
- activities for improving low mood and stress
Find out more on the NHS website.
Shining a Light on Suicide
Shining a Light on Suicide have a safety plan which can be used to keep ourselves safe when going through difficult times. Safety plans can:
- Practical ways to make ourselves safe from suicide
- Positive ways we can distract ourselves from negative thinking and behaviours
- Who is there to give us support when we need it
- What we can do if we feel we are at immediate risk of harming ourselves
Access the safety plan or find out more on the Shining a Light on Suicide website.