St Helens Council

We are a local authority.




We are a local authority.

St Helens Council is promoting the ZSA training to the borough and identifying opportunities to embed it in organisations, businesses etc.

St Helens experienced the highest suicide rate in the country in 2019 with a rate of 17.9 per 100,000 (these rates were more than 80% higher than the national average of 9.6 per 100,000 at the time). Since then, much work has been done to successfully reduce suicides in the borough.

The reasons behind suicides can be complex and personal, and very rarely down to a single risk factor. Knowing how to have to have a simple conversation with someone who may be feeling suicidal can help save a life. We feel that the Zero Suicide Alliance (ZSA) training programme gives everyone the skills to have this conversation, should they need to. Our local Suicide Prevention Strategy which has been agreed by Cabinet includes an ambition to make sure our staff and communities have these skills.

We have a local 'Ok to Ask' Suicide Prevention campaign and we are currently promoting a "I'd Ask The Question, Would You?" suicide prevention pledge which includes ZSA training.

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