Become a ZSA friend

Help us empower, equip, and educate individuals and organisations to support suicide awareness and prevention by becoming a regular donor. With your donations we can:

  1. train more people
  2. build awareness, share knowledge, skills and confidence to talk about suicide
  3. research, develop and maintain accessible digital suicide data tools 
  4. develop and deliver learning opportunities across a wide range of sectors
  5. keep the conversation going and continue to raise awareness of suicide and stigma.

Your support, big or small, helps make a difference. 

Becoming a ZSA friend is easy!

Thank you!

Mersey Cares for a better tomorrow

The Zero Suicide Alliance is an initiative hosted by Mersey Care NHS Foundation Trust and charitably funded via Mersey Cares NHS Charity (charity registration number: 1191576). 

Fundraising Regulator