Type of Entry: Training
Name: SP-OT
Date added: 1 May 2020
Delivery type: Face to face
Owned by: PAPYRUS (UK)
Contact: training@papyrus-uk.org
Website: SP-OT
Cost: Yes
Target audience: Anyone

Note: Sessions are £25 per person, £30 per person in London

Length of training

90 minute session

Level of training

Suicide First Aid

  • Recognise signs of suicidality
  • Understand reasons behind thoughts of suicide
  • Engaging a person in crisis empathically
  • Offer emotional support
  • Recognise potential barriers to seeking help
  • Signpost to appropriate resources (help lines)
Core elements

The SP-OT training covers Suicide Prevention through Overview Tutorial.

Learning objectives for this training are:

  • To understand the prevalence and impact of suicide
  • To explore the language, and the challenges, when talking openly about suicide
  • To recognise the ‘signs’ that may indicate someone is having thoughts of suicide
  • To consider how we can all contribute to a suicide safer community.
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The aim of the ZSA Resources is to introduce users to a range of existing and new resources with a connection to supporting people with their mental health, bring awareness to and help prevent incidences of suicide.  Even though the ZSA offer their own training, this resource is presented aside other training resources to enable the user to make an informed decision over its use.

For more information on ZSA Resources, please refer to ZSA Policies.

Content last updated: 01/11/2022.

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