Published on:15 February 2021
The third episode of Life Matters is guest presented by actor and star of Welsh soap Pobol Y Cwm, Dyfan Rees.
This time around, we take a look at the impact of suicide on LGBTQIA+ people. Dyfan chats to Ian Howley from the charity LGBTHero and examines the effect of the Covid-19 pandemic on gay men in particular.
Ashley Byrne reports on new research being carried out in America into suicide risk around young lesbian and bisexual women at key moments of change in their lives.
Freddy Chick talks to Talen Wright about hidden prejudice, and the micro-aggressions faced by trans people, and bisexual journalist Nichi Hodgson shares her personal story.

“I didn’t really try to seek advice on how to be bi or how to be comfortable in my skin, because it wasn’t obvious to me where I should go for that.” Nichi Hodgson
“Micro-agression: A brief and commonplace daily verbal, behavioural or environmental indignity, whether intentional or not, that communicates some sort of hostility or negative kind of insult or slight towards the minoritized person.” Talen Wright
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Last modified: 2 December 2024